RSU 1's Certification Board consists of teachers from all grade levels (elementary, middle, secondary and vocational) along with a Board Chair and an administrator. The current members of the Board are as follows:
Sue Michaud, Board Chair - Dike-Newell School
Kim Burgess, Secretary - Central Office
Romy Polizotto - Phippsburg Elementary School
Kim Plummer - Woolwich Central School
Larissa Costello - Dike-Newell School
Linda Armstrong - Fisher-Mitchell School
Pam Doe - Bath Middle School
Gretchen Sequeira - Bath Tech
Shelley Nutter - Morse High School
Katie Joseph - Central Office
The Certification Board meets the third Tuesday of the month at Bath Tech at 3:30 PM. You may contact Board Chair Sue Michaud at ssaucier@rsu1.org.