Title IA, is a Federal program that provides grant money to state and local educational agencies to meet the needs of children who require additional help to learn.
The goal of Title IA is to provide additional instructional support children so that they may meet grade level learning standards. Title IA may provide additional teachers, smaller support classes, parent activities and resources, professional development for school staff, and other support services.
Schools qualify for Title IA funds based on the percentage of children who qualify for the federal free and reduced lunch program. In RSU 1, three of our elementary schools are supported by Title IA funds: Dike Newell School, Fisher Mitchell School and Phippsburg Elementary School.
The EASA Report Cards for Maine schools are made available at the Maine Department of Education website. You can view them at this link: Maine DOE EASA Report Cards
The Office of the Inspector General Hotline is available for anyone to report fraud, waste or abuse. Follow this LINK to learn more or to report your concerns.
RSU 1 is seeking public input on the development of the 2021-22 Title IA and Title II grants. For more information please contact, Sandra Gorsuch-Plummer, ESEA coordinator at sgorsuch-plummer@rsu1.org or (207)389-1514.
For more information you may contact:
Sandra Gorsuch-Plummer, ESEA Coordinator at (207)389-1514
Katie Joseph, Assistant Superintendent of Schools at (207) 443-6601