Regional School Unit #1 is committed to creating a world-class educational system for all students. It is the duty and responsibility of the Board of Directors, hereinafter referred to as “The Board”, in partnership with the school superintendent, to forge a vision and allocate appropriate resources, energy, mutual support and optimism in the pursuit of educational excellence for all students.
Section 1. The Board shall consist of seven (7) members, representing each of the seven districts in accordance with the provisions of Title 20-A, Maine Revised Statutes, section 1252 and other applicable laws and regulations. The Board may develop a mechanism for adding student representation as non-voting members.
Section 2. P & S Law 2007, Chapter 25 (hereinafter referred to as “the law”) provides a mechanism for other municipalities to join RSU #1. Should the Board vote to engage in the planning process with a municipality that is interested in joining RSU #1, the Board will develop a plan for negotiation. Upon Board approval of the RSU #1/new municipality plan, a referendum would be scheduled as required by the law. In the event that a municipality joins the district, that municipality becomes a participating member with all privileges and benefits. The Board, in accordance with the law, will define a new map and election process. All costs associated with the planning and acceptance process shall be borne by the applying municipality.
Section 1. Duties and Powers of the Board. The Board shall have the following duties and powers, which include but are not limited to the following, noting that the entire scope of Board duties is outlined in Title 20A, Section 1001:
a. Elect/hire, evaluate and advise the Superintendent.
b. Exercise general supervision over the affairs of the region, and approve, adopt, and implement the policies and programs established in accordance with these bylaws.
c. Create and approve an annual operating budget subject to voter approval.
d. See that appropriate and proper school facilities are provided and maintained.
e. Appoint new members to fill vacancies.
f. Create subcommittees and ex-officio committees as necessary.
Section 2. Meetings and Voting.
a. The Board shall meet at the call of the Chair, or on its own motion or upon the written request of any four members.
b. All Board business must be conducted at an official board meeting. No proxy votes are permitted. No member may participate in a board meeting by teleconference or internet connection unless there is a medical issue and approval by the Board.
c. In order to get as much public input and participation as possible the Board shall endeavor to hold meetings at different locations throughout the region.
d. Each board member shall have one equal vote. A vote of the majority of board members present will carry the motion.
e. Term of office begin January 1.
f. All regular meetings of the board shall be limited to a duration of two hours. If the limit is reached, the meeting duration may be extended by a majority vote.
Section 3. Vacancies.
a. A vacancy on the Board shall occur when (1) a member resigns their position; (2) a member dies or; (3) a candidatHeadline H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 ARTICLE III – OFFICERSe moves outside the district for which he was elected; or (4) if no candidate is elected.
b. The candidate, appointed by the Board, must reside within the district of the
vacancy. Their term shall be consistent with the terms of that district’s vacancy. In the event of a tie for a position, the board will interview eligible candidates and proceed to select one by voting.
Section 4. Compensation.
a. Compensation for attendance at regional school board meetings shall be set by the Board, after following Title 20-A, section 1471, but cannot exceed $25.00 per board meeting per member. Board members will not be compensated for committee meetings.
Section 5. Quorum.
a. A majority of seated board members shall constitute a quorum.
Section 1. Election.
a. At its annual meeting in January, the Board shall elect from its members a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson from its membership. The Board can vote to have a member removed from one of these leadership positions upon majority vote. In the first year, the election of officers will take place at the first meeting following the initial election.
Section 2. Duties of Officers.
a. The duties of the Chairperson shall include:
1. Call meetings of the Board of Directors;
2. Preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors;
3. Sign the instruments, acts, and orders necessary to carry out state requirements
and the will of the Board;
4. Confer with the superintendent on crucial matters which may occur between
Board meetings;
5. Consult with the superintendent on the agenda and adjustments to the agenda;
6. Appoint committees and/ or subcommittees subject to Board approval;
7. Serve as ex-officio member of all committees;
8. Make or cause to be made requests for legal opinions/advice;
9. Be public spokesperson for the Board at all times except as this responsibility is
specifically delegated to others;
10. Be responsible for the orderly conduct of all Board meetings;
11. Prepare an annual report as needed;
12. Perform all other duties imposed by these bylaws: and
13. The chair shall have the right, as other Board members have, to offer resolutions,
discuss questions and vote.
b. The duties of the Vice Chairperson shall include:
1. In the absence of the chairperson the vice-chairperson shall act as the chairperson. In the absence of the chairperson and vice chairperson, the Board members present, provided a quorum is present, shall elect one of its members present to preside over the meeting.
2. May consult with the Superintendent and Chairperson on the agenda and amendments to the agenda.
c. The duties of the Secretary.
1. As stipulated in Title 20-A, the superintendent shall serve as secretary of the Board with the right to speak on all questions and offer recommendations. The secretary shall takes minutes of the board meetings and distribute minutes to all board members. The secretary shall be responsible for ensuring that records are kept of all business transacted by the Board at both regular and appropriately called special meetings, and shall perform such other functions, as are ordinarily functions of this office.
Section 3. Duties of presiding officer:
a. Call the meeting to order at the appointed time;
b. Announce the business to come before the Board in its proper order;
c. Enforce the Board’s policies relating to the order of the business and the conduct of the meeting;
d. Recognize persons who desire to speak, and protect the speaker who has the floor from disturbance or interference;
e. Explain as appropriate, what the effect of a motion would be;
f. Restrict discussion to the question when a motion is before the Board;
g. Answer parliamentary inquiries; referring questions of legality to the Board’s attorney; and
h. Put motions to a vote, restating definitively and clearly the motion, stating the vote and result thereof.
The Board shall operate under Parliamentary Procedure and use Robert’s Rules of Order for reference.
Section 1. The Board will adopt a code of ethics.
Section 2. Upon taking the oath of office to serve as a member of the Board, each member agrees to follow the code of ethics.
The Board has a strong commitment to citizen participation. As described in the law, section 16, each school shall appoint a School Advisory Group (SAG). A member municipality without a school is entitled to organize a SAG under the provisions of the law with the membership appointed by the selectmen. The Board shall vote to authorize each SAG once the Board receives the names of the members. SAG’s create opportunities for citizens to advise the Board on major issues pertaining to Regional School Unit #1. The Board will establish goals, duties and limitations of school advisory groups. It is the intent that the relationship between SAGs and the Board is characterized as cooperative and collaborative.
Section 1. Each school principal (selectmen of town with no school) will form their School Advisory Group. The Board shall also establish a statement of purpose for the groups.
Section 2. The Board will encourage each School Advisory Group’s membership represent a cross-section of the public schools as well as representatives from the community at large.
Section 3. The Board will publicly advertise group membership openings. Members of these groups will serve without compensation.
Section 4. It is understood that SAGs are advisory only and have no authority to transact official Board business. All final decisions rest solely with the Board.
Section 1. The bylaws will be adopted at the second reading of the bylaws at a regular meeting. Any such bylaws shall conform to all applicable laws and regulations of the State of Maine.
Section 2. These bylaws may be amended at the second reading of the amendment at a regular meeting. Any such amendment shall conform to all applicable laws and regulations of the State of Maine.
Adopted: March 12 2008
Revised: March 16, 2009; December 2010