November 17, 2021

 Dear Staff, Students, and Families, 
This letter is to share that today we were informed by the CDC that there is an outbreak or suspected outbreak of COVID-19 in the following RSU 1 schools:

  • Morse High School/ Bath Tech
  • Bath Middle School
  • Fisher Mitchell School 
  • Woolwich Central School (monitored as suspected)
  • Dike-Newell School (monitored as suspected )

The State only allows this declaration of “outbreak” when the CDC officially confirms it to be true. We received this confirmation phone call from the CDC today. “Outbreak status” means that there are three or more cases of COVID-19 that have been confirmed through PCR testing within a 14-day period. “Suspected outbreak status” means that there are three or more cases of COVID-19 that have been confirmed through rapid antigen testing within a 14-day period. As we all have noticed with the previously sent letters, the spread of COVID-19 in our school community has significantly increased in the last few weeks.
As of right now, it is not being recommended that we close any of our classrooms or schools. Based on recommendations and requirements from the Maine CDC, we are:

  • Considering every person who has been in a room (rather than within 6 feet) of a positive individual for 15+ minutes to be a close contact if there is suspected in-school transmission
  • Reviewing and possibly restructuring the distancing during unmasked times, if needed (lunch, etc.) 
  • Continuing to mask and participate in proper hand hygiene
  • Promoting participation in pooled testing and vaccination
  • Staying diligent about cleaning high touch surfaces in our buildings

In addition to the above, what else can our community do during this challenging time to help this situation improve for all of us? We have had many students showing up to school who are sick, thus increasing the risk of possible infection in our buildings. Students/staff should not attend school and will be sent home if they have any of the symptoms below:  
If your student/you have 1 low risk symptom: 
● Must stay home for at least 24 hours 
● May return to school if symptom is improving AND no new symptoms have developed 
● Must be vomiting and diarrhea free for 24 hours 

If your student/you are sent home with two or more low-risk symptoms or one high-risk symptom, or if symptoms worsen at home, one of the following criteria must be met:

ACTION 1- A Negative PCR or Rapid COVID-19 swab (no at home swabs accepted): 
● Provide negative COVID-19 swab result to school
● May return to school once fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medications 
● Symptoms must be improving (including vomiting and diarrhea free for 24 hours) 

ACTION 2-: Seen by a healthcare provider, healthcare provider determines a non-COVID diagnosis:
● May return to school once fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication
● Symptoms must be improving (including vomiting and diarrhea free for 24 hours) 
● Medical provider note provided to school

ACTION 3- No COVID-19 test (unable to obtain and/or declines testing) and no alternative diagnosis:
● Out from school/ work at least 10 days after onset of symptoms
● May return to school once fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication
● Symptoms must be improving (including vomiting and diarrhea free for 24 hours) 
If you are looking for COVID-19 testing, all Maine testing locations can be found HERE. Thank you for helping us keep our community safe during this challenging time.
