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Morse High School Student Playwrights
Letter from Superintendent Manuel Regarding Change to March 20th, 2020 School Day
Coaches Jay Morissette (L) and Todd Marco (R) at the Edwin Gamble Aquatic Center
A rainbow of fruits & vegetables!
FMS Principal & Students cut the cake at the Blizzard of Books Winter Celebration
8th Graders work in the Automotive Shop at BRCTC during "Experience Day"
CHOICES Open House May 7th, 2020 @ WCS
Success in JMG Program Prepares Morse Senior for Life After High School
WinterKids WinterGames
Servings of Papaya
Morse High School’s first unified volleyball team practices before a game at Bath Middle School.
Fisher Mitchell School Launches School-Wide Food Pantry
2019 Board of Directors Election Results
STEAM workshop banner